It has now been six weeks since John and I were married. A lot has happened since then and we have been incredibly busy and blessed.
I had to go straight back to school the Monday following our wedding so we were not able to go on a honeymoon right away. I finished my quarter at school and was pleased to find out that I had received straight A's again. I also had to take the WEST E test the weekend after John and I were married and received the scores 2 weeks ago that I had passed that also...thank goodness because I didn;t want to take that again!
John has not had to go to school since June so he has been working very hard and making sure that we are well provided for considering that I can only work during the weekends.
Unfortunately, 3 weeks ago, I found a lump in my right breast. I went to the doctor's straight away and she said that while it was probably a cyst, I still needed to have an ultra sound done. The ultra sound determined that it was actually a tumor, so I had to have a needle biopsy to find out if it were cancerous or not. This test turned out to be inconclusive so I ended up having to have it removed completely. This was fine by me since I no longer have to worry about it. I was very relieved, however, when I found out this week that the tumor was not cancerous at all.
This picture was taken a couple of days after surgery but the day before all of the bruising settled in. Thankfully, it is doing much better now and there is no bruising left. This surgery did take place 4 days before our honeymoon began but luckily did not really slow us down at all.
We left on our honeymoon last Monday to Victoria B.C. and it was absolutely amazing! We left on the Victoria Clipper from Seattle at 7:30 am.

On Wednesday we pampered ourselves and John got a massage while I got a facial. It was so much fun! If they weren't so expensive, I would get one once a week. That day we also went to the Butchart Gardens Illumination Tour. I don't think that I have ever seen anything so beautiful before. We got there early enough that we were able to see the whole garden during the day as well as lit up later in the evening. We had such an amazing time and were even fortunate enough to see a meteor shoot across the sky while we were sitting in the middle of the gardens.
On Thursday we went Zip lining in an area about 45 minutes outside of Victoria. We had so much fun getting to "zip"from tree to tree and picking up speed. At one point, we went on a 1000 ft stretch that was 150 ft above ground! We saw some amazing views and met some great people.

On Friday, before we left for home, we went whale watching and stumbled across 2 different pods. I think in all we saw about 25-30 whales. We even saw 3 jump straight out of the water so that all that was left of them in the water was their tales. It was a magnificent sight!

Once we got back from whale watching it was time to leave for home. On the way back home, our ferry came across a nuclear submarine being led out to sea by the Navy. It was quite a site and not one that I will soon forget!

We had such a great trip and did so many fun things that we can't wait to go back again sometime soon!

John has not had to go to school since June so he has been working very hard and making sure that we are well provided for considering that I can only work during the weekends.
Unfortunately, 3 weeks ago, I found a lump in my right breast. I went to the doctor's straight away and she said that while it was probably a cyst, I still needed to have an ultra sound done. The ultra sound determined that it was actually a tumor, so I had to have a needle biopsy to find out if it were cancerous or not. This test turned out to be inconclusive so I ended up having to have it removed completely. This was fine by me since I no longer have to worry about it. I was very relieved, however, when I found out this week that the tumor was not cancerous at all.
We left on our honeymoon last Monday to Victoria B.C. and it was absolutely amazing! We left on the Victoria Clipper from Seattle at 7:30 am.
We arrived in Victoria and checked into our hotel which was absolutely beautiful! Once we were settled in, we went on a Hop-On Hop-Off Bus tour which was a lot of fun. They gave us a tour of the city and told us the history of many of the buildings that we passed. We also went to the Wax Museum that day which was a great experience.
The next day, we went to the Royal B.C. Museum and got to tour the Treasures Exhibit, along with the rest of the museum. It was incredibly informative. That same day, we used the Hop-On Hop-Off tour bus to go to Craigdarroch Castle which was gorgeous! We also went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner that night and went to see a street performer. While we watched the street performer, I was called up as a volunteer and juggled fire...sort of:)

The next day, we went to the Royal B.C. Museum and got to tour the Treasures Exhibit, along with the rest of the museum. It was incredibly informative. That same day, we used the Hop-On Hop-Off tour bus to go to Craigdarroch Castle which was gorgeous! We also went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner that night and went to see a street performer. While we watched the street performer, I was called up as a volunteer and juggled fire...sort of:)
We also went on a carriage ride that night. It was so fun and very romantic!
On Wednesday we pampered ourselves and John got a massage while I got a facial. It was so much fun! If they weren't so expensive, I would get one once a week. That day we also went to the Butchart Gardens Illumination Tour. I don't think that I have ever seen anything so beautiful before. We got there early enough that we were able to see the whole garden during the day as well as lit up later in the evening. We had such an amazing time and were even fortunate enough to see a meteor shoot across the sky while we were sitting in the middle of the gardens.
On Thursday we went Zip lining in an area about 45 minutes outside of Victoria. We had so much fun getting to "zip"from tree to tree and picking up speed. At one point, we went on a 1000 ft stretch that was 150 ft above ground! We saw some amazing views and met some great people.
On Friday, before we left for home, we went whale watching and stumbled across 2 different pods. I think in all we saw about 25-30 whales. We even saw 3 jump straight out of the water so that all that was left of them in the water was their tales. It was a magnificent sight!
Once we got back from whale watching it was time to leave for home. On the way back home, our ferry came across a nuclear submarine being led out to sea by the Navy. It was quite a site and not one that I will soon forget!
We had such a great trip and did so many fun things that we can't wait to go back again sometime soon!